Payment analytics solution

All your data will get unified by TODA payment analytics. It’ll be easier to analyze, examine, and monitor the ongoing transactions.

  • Collect. Business data automated aggregation
  • Normalise. Get the coherent information instead of complex datasets
  • Analyse. Auto-generated reports and visual graphics
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Focus on details or get a short overview

You can switch between detailed and helicopter view of your data. This will help you to clear out the problems in your business.

Data optimisation

All the data gets unified and may be transformed into insights for processes optimization.

Make your corporate communication easy

Share the necessary information with your colleagues and quickly move your business forward.

Get reports easily

Reports will no longer be a complex and resource-draining activity for you. They will turn into a handy tool for business development.

GEt a clear view of your performance

Become fully aware of your state with the performance metrics before your eyes. This enables your team to generate detailed reports on-the-go and make smart decisions to improve and develop your business.

  • Transaction statuses
  • Transaction decline reasons
  • Transaction methods
  • Merchant account balances
  • Merchant account conversion rates
  • Storefront conversion rates
  • Storefront turnover

ANY report in any time

You can select our some of our patterm reports and quickly get them in hand. Or, create a customized report for your specific needs. Moreover, you can opt for auto-generated reports on a regular basis.

Payments & Payouts

  • Transactions summary report
  • Transaction details report
  • Declined transactions report
  • Transactions currency report
  • Transactions method report
  • Transactions service report
  • Transactions provider report
  • Transactions type report


  • Trial balance report
  • Distribution report
  • Organisation distribution report
  • Conversion rates report
  • Trend analysis report
  • Commission income report


  • Conversion rates report
  • Balance report
  • Turnover report
  • Providers report
  • Errors summary report
  • Routes summary report

Currency conversion

  • Summary report
  • FX rates summary report
  • Average FX rates report
  • Income report

Custom reports

Generate a customized report for the transactions you need or choose a specific period of time to get a more detailed view of any aspect.

Reporting features

TODA will get you covered in any report you need: filter report for a specific time, results for a particular product, customized report for some specific needs and many others. Reports will no longer be a time-consuming routine for you. Instead, they will become a powerful instrument, capable of boosting your business.

Customise reports
Configure columns and time zones with the flexibility of our predefined reports.
Schedule reports
All the necessary data will be ready for you whenever you need: just set up report auto-generation and export.
Control access
Divide the access to the reports and other information between your teammates, having the relevant business intelligence.
Centralise reporting
All the reporting will be centralised, in case you run multiple sites. Get the key metrics into a single and clear report.
Enjoy convenience
Get a quick and smart access to your securely stored data from anywhere.
Save time
Stop wasting time on report-generating and focus on the business processes that really matter to you.

Cascading & Auto-retries

Sit back and watch your approval rates grow after setting up cascading and automatic retries.

  • PSP downtime. If something goes wrong on the provider’s side, you’ll get instantly notified and the transaction will be rerouted.
  • Callback problems. You’ll get rapid notifications in case your commerce account callbacks stop working.
  • Low balance. Get notified beforehand, if your merchant account is about to reach its critical value.
  • Abnormalities. The system will instantly report you on any suspiciously high speed of transactions processing and other abnormalities.
Set up the conditions to trigger an alert. Many options are available.
You are able to activate alerts for every time your query runs, even if it occurs every 5 seconds.
Select the way you want to get alerts: email, Telegram, or Slack.

Multiple export options

Your data will become actionable: all the reports may be exported for further analysis and decision-making processes.

  • Unified data. If you get the financial data from disjointed sources, it can be securely stored and ready for a transfer into other business systems.
  • Major formats. Your stakeholders may get access to your reports offline, as you can export the documents in different formats.
  • Customisation. Select the parameters for your report so that it worked best for you.
  • Massive data. In case of massive data, it can be automatically broken into small parts and become more manageable.

Simple reconciliations

All your transaction data can be quickly and accurately pulled from various sources into a single report,
as TODA’s reporting and reconciling capabilities are closely tied in.

We provide consistency between your sales and payment provider’s statements: all the transaction data flows in and out of the system.
You can see all the transaction lifecycle and get a full control over payment and payout movements. All the processes are transparent and clear.
Reveal all potentially fraudulent transactions and hidden activity by accessibility, visibility and complete data.
Automatic corrections
The transaction matching across multiple PSPs and accounts will be automated by TODA. Our system regularly update the data, basing on the providers’ information.
Collisions management
You will quickly identify and handle all the mismatches, errors and collisions between the provider’s transaction data and payment details inserted into TODA.
Proof in investigation
By using statement history and logs, you’ll be able to solve possible issues with the payment providers. We will help you to ensure all your funds are correctly accounted.


Sometimes, payment processes in business may look like a thousand-piece puzzle and cause stress and headaches.
TODA’s dashboard will help you to solve this problem and get an overall and understandable picture of your transactions processes.

Ready to skyrocket your business?

Send us your request and get an offer that suits your business model.

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